Empowerment, Diversity, and Relationships as a Woman in Music with Audio Engineer Loreen Bohannon

Empowerment, Diversity, and Relationships as a Woman in Music with Audio Engineer Loreen Bohannon

Hi, friends! It's Janine Richards here, your guide behind the scenes of the music industry. Today, I’m thrilled to bring you an inspiring and candid conversation with the incredibly talented Loreen Bohannon, an audio engineer who has not just made her mark working with top artists but has also founded the nonprofit, Bring Light To The Night. Our discussion delves deep into the intricacies of the industry, the empowerment of owning one's story, and the necessity of conversation for change.


The Pioneering Spirit of Loreen Bohannon

Loreen's journey in the music industry is nothing short of inspirational. Her career, dotted with names like GROUPLOVE, Plain White T's, Lizzo, and Michael Bolton, speaks volumes of her talent and dedication. However, what stands out most is her earnest effort to shine a light on the darker aspects of the entertainment world through her nonprofit work. Her candidness about the realities women face in the workplace, particularly in the concert touring world, is a powerful reminder of the strides we still need to make toward equality and respect.

The Power of Own Your Story

In our conversation, Loreen highlighted the incredible empowerment that comes from owning our stories and truths. The music industry, with its glitz and glam, often hides the grit and perseverance artists and engineers like Loreen have to muster every day. By sharing our journeys, we open up conversations that can lead to impactful changes, not just within ourselves but in the industry at large.

Breaking the Silence on Industry Realities

One of the most poignant parts of our talk was Loreen’s insights into the challenges of navigating a male-dominated industry. Her experiences on tour and the continuous need to prove her worth in a sea of doubters is a stark reminder of the gender disparities we still face. Yet, Loreen’s determination and refusal to remain silent on issues of discrimination and harassment are beacon calls for action toward a more inclusive and respectful industry.

A Little Self-Reflection Goes a Long Way

Loreen’s thoughts on self-reflection and the power of apology particularly resonated with me. In an industry as fast-paced as ours, it's easy to forget the impact our actions and words have on those around us. Loreen's approach to acknowledging mistakes and actively seeking to make amends is a lesson in humility and growth.

The Road to Change

As our conversation came to a close, Loreen’s parting words were a reminder that change begins with us. Whether it's fighting for fair treatment, building networks of support among women in the industry, or simply learning to reflect and apologize, each step we take is a move toward a better, more inclusive music world.

This dialogue with Loreen Bohannon not only sheds light on the life behind the mixing desk but also underscores the importance of candid conversations in fostering change and growth. The music industry, for all its vibrancy and excitement, holds challenges that require our collective effort and courage to overcome.

As we continue on our own musical journeys, let us hold onto the essence of what Loreen shared - the power of storytelling, self-awareness, and unwavering courage. Together, let's strive for a world where everyone's voice is heard, and their story is valued.


Thank you for joining me on this exploration behind the music scene. If Loreen's story inspired you or sparked thoughts, I encourage you to share this post with someone you love. Together, we are the keystones of change. For more inspiring stories and reflections, follow us on IG @thetourlifepodcast, as we continue to navigate the remarkable life behind the stages of the music world.